Natural Resources
Your Guide to Forest Bathing: Experience the Healing Power of Nature - M. Amos Clifford
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative - Florence Williams
Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness - Dr. Qing Li
Healing Trees: A Pocket Guide to Forest Bathing - Ben Page
Forest Therapy: Seasonal Ways to Embrace Nature for a Happier You - Sarah Ivens
Take a walk in the woods. Doctor's orders. - New York Times
‘Forest bathing’ is latest fitness trend to hit U.S. ‘Where yoga was 30 years ago’ - Washington Post
Q&A with Kelly Bruce, forest bathing guide - Mountain Xpress
Take two hours of pine forest and call me in the morning - Outside Magazine
You've heard of forest bathing. Now try forest therapy. - National Geographic (about forest therapy trails)
This is your brain on nature - National Geographic
The secret to mindful travel? A walk in the woods - National Geographic
'Forest Bathing' is great for your health. Here's how to do it - TIME
Why everyone should try forest bathing - Vogue
Why forest therapy can be good for your body and mind - Cleveland Clinic
"Forest bathing" could soon be prescribed by doctors - Country Living
Shinrin-Yoku: The Japanese practice that could transform your day - O, The Oprah Magazine
Living in North Carolina: Soak in the Trees - Our State
Fishing for better health? Get back to nature - The Drift
Nature and forest therapy: Wander into wellness - Portfolio Vero Beach
Life Kit: A guide to forest bathing - NPR
Morning Edition: Forest Bathing - A retreat to nature can boost immunity and mood - NPR
Why you need to try forest bathing - Inspired Intentions (A great 30-minute overview of what to expect from my forest bathing experiences. Please note: I no longer guide at that location.)
Time in nature associated with higher levels of positive mood -
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2023
Psychological and physical connections with nature improve both human well-being and nature conservation: A systematic review of meta-analyses - Biological Conservation, 2023
Nature exposure and its effects on immune system functioning: A systematic review - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Ecopsychology: How immersion in nature benefits your health - Yale Environment 360, 2020
Terpenes from forests and human health - Toxicological Research, 2017
The physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku: evidence from field experiments in 24 forests across Japan - Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2009